120.  Vredenburgh, A., Cohen, H. H., Hornick, R. Laughery, K., Leonard, D., Olsen, R. Smith, L., Thompson, D., Wogalter, M., & Zackowitz, I. (1997). Mock trial: How human factors experts contribute to civil Litigation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 524-528.

120.  Vredenburgh, A., Cohen, H. H., Hornick, R. Laughery, K., Leonard, D., Olsen, R. Smith, L., Thompson, D., Wogalter, M., & Zackowitz, I. (1997). Mock trial: How human factors experts contribute to civil Litigation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 524-528.

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