
The Cognitive Ergonomics Laboratory was established at North Carolina State University in 1992. The laboratory was located in Poe Hall on the main campus with Dr. Michael S. Wogalter as the director. The lab was dedicated to conduct research in the area of cognitive ergonomics while training students to become the research scientists and human factors practitioners of tomorrow. The lab became virtual with no physical presence starting in the Spring of 2013.

Note: Most of the publications are available for download by clicking the red “PDF" icon or “Download PDF" following the citations. The Download is very quick, so check your download folder after clicking on “PDF"

Publications by Year

In Reverse Order

  • 2021
    • 389.  Wogalter, M. S., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2021, in press). Warnings and hazard communications (Chap. 23). In G. Salvendy and W. Karwowski (Eds.) Handbook of Human Factors/Ergonomics. New York Wiley.

  • 2020
    • 388.  Wogalter, M. S. (2020). Forensic human factors and ergonomics analysis of a trip and fall event in a parking lot. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 21, 347-368.

    • 387.  Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2020). Forensic human factors and ergonomics: From theory to practice. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 21, 259-265.

    • 386.  Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn (2020). Special thematic issue: Forensic Human Factors and Ergonomics, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21, 259-368.

  • 2019
    • 385.  Taylor, J. R. I., & Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Specific egress directives enhance print and speech fire warnings. Applied Ergonomics, 80, 57-66.

    • 384.  Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Final comments (Chap. 22). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 339-351). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 383.  Laughery, K. R. & Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Don’t recline that seat (Chap 20). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 303-314). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 382.  Lenorovitz, D. R., Karnes, E. & Wogalter, M. S. (2019). ROPS, seatbelts, and the unexpected rollover (Chap. 19). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 283-301). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 381.  Wogalter, M. S. & Kildisheva, T. (2019). Over-reaching consequences (Chap. 14). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 215-229). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 380.  Wogalter, M. S., Laughery, K. R., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2019). Heavier than air (Chap. 13). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 197-213). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 379.  Wogalter, M. S. (2019). A close brush with death (Chap. 11). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 163-178). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 378.  Wogalter, M. S., & Kalsher, M. J. (2019). Following the lead: Duped by pipe dope (Chap. 9). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp.135-148). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 377.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Not a step! (Chap. 7). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 105-122). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 376.  Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Case of baby seat with no restraint (Chap. 6). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 91-104). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 375.  Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Communication-human information processing (C-HIP) model (Chap. 3). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.), Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 33-49). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 374.  Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Hazard analysis and hazard control hierarchy (Chap. 2). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.) Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 17-32). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 373.  Wogalter, M. S. (2019). Introduction (Chap. 1). In M. S. Wogalter (2019, ed.) Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (pp. 3-16). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 372.  Wogalter, M. S. Ed. (2019). Forensic human factors and ergonomics: Case studies and analyses (22 chapters). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press.

    • 371. Wogalter M.S. (2019) A forensic HF/E analysis of a trip and fall injury event involving a wheel stop in a parking lot. In Bagnara S., Tartaglia R., Albolino S., Alexander T., & Fujita Y. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2018, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, AISC 821, pp. pp. 751–760. DOI Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 S, Cham Print ISBN 978-3-319-96079-1.

  • 2018
    • 370. Wogalter, M. S. (2018). Communication-human information processing (C-HIP) model in forensic warning analysis. In Bagnara S., Tartaglia R., Albolino S., Alexander T., & Fujita Y. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) 2018, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 821, pp. 761-769, DOI Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 S, Cham Print, ISBN 978-3-319-96079-1; Online ISBN 978-3-319-96080-7.

  • 2017
    • 369. Zielinska, O. A., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2017). Connoted hazard and perceived importance of fluorescent, neon, and standard safety colors. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 326-334.

    • 368. Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2017). Warning design (pp. 331-348). In A. Black, P. Luna, O. Lund, & S. Walker (Eds.) Information design: Research and practice. NY & Abingdon Oxon, UK: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.

    • 367. Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M.S. (2017). Health-related warning message processing. In R. Parrott (Ed.) Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Communication (pp. 101-121). New York: Oxford University Press.

  • 2016
    • 366. Grishin, J., Wogalter, M.S., & Walkington, W. (2016). Improving food labels for health and safety: Effects of ingredients list placement on search times. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 60. 1637-1641.

  • 2015
    • 365. Wogalter, M. S., & Taylor, J. R. I. (2015). Incorrect beliefs about start/stop ignition switches. In G. Lindgaard & D. Moore (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1424-1428).

    • 364. Wogalter, M.S., Mayhorn, C. B., & Zielinska, O. (2015), Use of color in warnings. In A. J. Elliot, M. Fairchild, and A. Franklin (Eds.), Handbook of Color Psychology, pp. 377-400. Cambridge University Press.

    • 363. Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2015). Product manuals: Reported reading and beliefs. In G. Lindgaard & D. Moore (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1474-1476).

    • 362. Taylor, J. R. I., & Wogalter, M. S. (2015). Specific evacuation instructions enhance spoken fire warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 59, 1486-1490.

    • 361. Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2015). Analysis and design of warnings in the workplace. Chapter 12. In J. R. Wilson & S. Sharples (Eds.). Evaluation of Human Work (pp. 331-358). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 360. Kim, S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2015). Effects of emphasis terminology in warning instructions on compliance intent and understandability. Journal of Safety Research, 55, 41-51.

    • 359. Grishin, J., Walkington, W., & Wogalter, M. S. (2015). Formatting food labels for safety and health: Finding the ingredients faster. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 59. 1476-1480.

  • 2014
    • 358. Zielinska, O. A., Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2014). A perceptual analysis of standard safety, fluorescent, and neon colors. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 58. 1879-1883.

    • 357. Wogalter, M. S., Shaver, E. F., & Kalsher, M. J. (2014). Effect of presentation modality in direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug television advertisements. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1330-1336.

    • 356. Wogalter, M. S., Lim, R., & Nyeste, P. (2014). On the hazard of quiet vehicles to pedestrians and drivers. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1306-1312.

    • 355. Wogalter, M. S., Laughery, M. S., Vredenburgh, A. G., Deppa, S. W., Lueder, R., & Zackowitz, I. B. (2014). Child injury: Forensic human factors points to the need for better product designs and warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 58, 1864-1868.

    • 354. Wogalter, M. S., & Hayes, M. R. (2014). Online and software licensing agreements: User beliefs and expectations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 58, 1391-1394.

    • 353.  Williams, K., Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2014). Responsibility allocation for child Injury: Victim age and positive vs. negative framing of manufacturer's safety policy. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 15, 615-635.

    • 352.  McDougald, B. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2014). Facilitating pictorial comprehension with color highlighting. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1285-1290.

    • 351.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2014). Special issue on warnings: Advances in delivery, application, and methods. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1267-1269.

    • 350.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2014). Special issue of Applied Ergonomics: Human factors in technology and society. Applied Ergonomics, 45(5), 1267-1375, ISSN 0003-6870.

    • 349.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., Goldsworthy, R. & McDougald. B. (2014). Creating inclusive warnings: The role of culture in the design and evaluation of risk communications (pp. 97-128). In Smith-Jackson, T., Resnick, M., & Johnson, K. T. (Eds). Cultural Ergonomics: Theories, Methods, and Applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    • 348.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2014). A three-stage model summarizes product warning and environmental sign research. Safety Science, 61, 3-10. (published on the web, doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2011.02.012).

    • 347.  Hornick, R. J., Vredenburgh, A., Laughery, K. R., Pauls, J. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2014). Dealing with dubious testimony provided by opposing experts. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 58, 559-561.

    • 346.  Duarte, M. E., Rebelo, M. S., Teles, J. & Wogalter, M.S. (2014). Safety sign comprehension by students, adult workers, and disabled persons with cerebral palsy. Safety Science, 62, 175-186.

    • 345.  Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J. & Wogalter, M.S. (2014). Behavioral compliance for dynamic versus static signs in an immersive virtual environment. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1367-1375.

  • 2013
    • 344.  Lesch, M., Powell, W., Horrey, W., & Wogalter (2013). The use of contextual cues to improve warning symbol comprehension: Making the connection for older adults. Ergonomics, 56, 1264-1279.

    • 343.  Harrington, C. N., Taylor, J. R. I., Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2013). Assessing conceptualizations of user friendliness for consumer products. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 57, 1338- 1342.

  • 2012
    • 342.  Wogalter, M.S., Laughery, K. R., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2012). Warnings and hazard communications (Chap. 29). In G. Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of Human Factors / Ergonomics (4th ed.). New York: Wiley.

    • 341.  Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2012). Tire aging: A human factors analysis of failure to warn and inform. Work, 41/Supplement, 3624-3628.

    • 340.  Taylor, J. R. I., & Wogalter, M. S. (2012). Acceptability of evacuation instruction fire warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1753-1757.

    • 339.  Lesch, M. F., Horrey, W. J., Powell, R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2012). The aging workforce: Implications for warning symbol design. Professional Safety, March, 45-49.

    • 338.  Kim, S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2012). Most people with natural and propane (LP) gas service report not having electronic gas detectors. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 666-670.

    • 337.  Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2012). A personalized speech warning facilitates compliance in an immersive virtual environment. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 2045- 2049.

    • 336.  Baldwin, C. L., Spence, C., Bliss, J. P., Brill, J. C., Wogalter, M. S., Mayhorn, C. B., & Ferris, T. K. (2012). Multimodal cuing: The relative benefits of the auditory, visual and tactual channels in complex environments. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 56, 1431-1435.

  • 2011
    • 335.  Wogalter, M. S., Laughery, K. R., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2011). Communication-human information processing (C- HIP) stages in consumer product warnings (Chap. 4; pp. 41-68). In W. Karwowski, M. M. Soares, & N. A. Stanton (Eds). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Products: Uses and Applications. (Vol. 2).Boca Raton: CRC Press.

    • 334.  Wogalter, M.S., & Laughery, K. R. (2011). Failure to detect gas leaks: Forensic human factors considerations. Ergonomics in Design, 19, 21-23.

    • 333.  Taylor, J. R. I. & Wogalter, M. S. (2011b). Formatted text improves the communication of credit card information: Effects on response time. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 1298-1302.

    • 332.  Taylor, J. R. I. & Wogalter, M. S. (2011a). Effect of text format on determining tires’ date of manufacture. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 1318-1322.

    • 331.  McDougald, B. R., Wogalter, M. S. (2011). Increased comprehension of warning pictorials with color highlighting. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 1769-1772.

    • 330.  Lesch, M. F., Horrey, W. J., Wogalter. M. S., & Powell, R. (2011). Age-related differences in warning symbol comprehension and training effectiveness: Effects of familiarity, complexity, and comprehensibility. Ergonomics, 54, 879-890.

    • 329.  Laughery, Sr., K. R., Wogalter, M. S., Nemire, K. E., Vredenburgh, A. G., & Kalsher, M. J. (2011). What do human factor/ergonomics experts have to tell juries that they don’t know – but may think they know? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 604-606.

    • 328.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2011). The hazard-control hierarchy and its utility in safety decisions about consumer products (Chap. 3; pp. 33-40). In W. Karwowski, M. M. Soares, & N. A. Stanton (Eds). Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Consumer Products: Uses and Applications (Vol. 2). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

    • 327.  Kim, S., Wogalter, M. S., & Taylor, J. R. I. (2011). Safety beliefs about consumer products. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 1778-1782.

    • 326.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M.S. (2011). Human factors basis for labeling on medical devices. In M. Weinger, M. Wicklund, & D. J. Gardner-Bonneau (eds.). Human Factors Aspects of Medical Devices (Chap. 13, pp. 543-593). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    • 325.  Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2011). Reading pages of a consumer product manual text and warnings: Effects of format salience and visual cues on eye movements. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55, 1773-1777.

  • 2010
    • 324.  Wogalter, K. R., & Laughery, K. R. (2010). Human factors considerations in the detection of propane gas leaks. In W. Karwowski & G. Salvendy (Eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries (pp. 558-564). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Also on CD ROM: ISBN- 13: 978-0-9796435-4-5: ISBN-10_0-979-6435-4-6.

    • 323.  Wogalter, M. S., Israel, J., Kim, S., Morgan, E., Coleman, K. M., & West, J. (2010). Hazard connotation of fire safety terms. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54, 1837-1840.

    • 322.  Wogalter, M. S., & Feng, E. (2010). Indirect warnings/instructions produce behavioral compliance. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 20, 500-510.

    • 321.  Smith Jackson, T., Wogalter, M.S., Quintela, Y. (2010). Safety climate and pesticide risk communication disparities in crop production by ethnicity. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 20, 511-525.

    • 320.  Smith, J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2010). Behavioral compliance to manual and on-product warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54, 184-1850.

    • 319.  Sharek, D, & Wogalter, M. S., (2010). Show-all-links: Identifying hyperlinks in websites that use non-standard formatting. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54, 1387-1390.

    • 318.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Conzola, V. (2010). Perceptions of sport-utility vehicle (SUV) safety by SUV drivers and non-drivers. In Waldemar Karwowski and Gavriel Salvendy (Eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries (pp. 986-997). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Also on CD ROM: ISBN-13: 978-0-9796435-4-5: ISBN-10_0-979-6435-4-6.

    • 317.  Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2010). Considering the warning context: New research methodologies and advances. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 20, 481-483.

    • 316.  Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2010). Special issue on warnings. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 20, 481-546.

    • 315.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2010). The safety hierarchy and its role in safety decisions. In W. Karwowski & G. Salvendy (Eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries (pp. 1010-1016). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Also on CD ROM: ISBN-13: 978-0- 9796435-4-5: ISBN-10_0-979-6435-4-6.

    • 314.  Kim, S., Wogalter, M. S. & Mayhorn, C. B. (2010). Older and younger drivers’ beliefs about motor vehicle features to benefit their safe driving. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54, 160- 164.

    • 313.  Kim, S., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2010). Use of information sources referenced in and attitudes about televised DTC prescription drug advertisements. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54, 1880-1884.

    • 312.  Duarte, E., Rebelo, M. S., & Wogalter, M.S. (2010). Virtual reality (VR) and its potential for evaluating warning compliance. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 20, 526-537.

    • 311.  Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J. & Wogalter, M.S. (2010). Behavioral compliance in virtual reality: Effects of warning type. In Waldemar Karwowski and Gavriel Salvendy (Eds.) Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Also on CD ROM: ISBN-13: 978-0-9796435-4-5: ISBN-10_0-979-6435-4-6.

  • 2009
    • 310.  Wogalter, M.S., & Laughery, K. R. (2009). The collaborative role of warnings research and forensic investigations. 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, Proceedings of the XVIIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association. Beijing, China (File (CD File 2FO0004).

    • 309.  Wogalter, M. S., & Cowley, J. A. (2009). Usability problems in word processing applications. 17th World Congress on Ergonomics, Proceedings of the XVIIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association. Beijing, China (CD File 2HU0054).

    • 308.  Kim, S. & Wogalter, M. S. (2009). Habituation, dishabituation, and recovery effects in visual warnings.Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 53, 1612-1616.

  • 2008
    • 307.  Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2008). Trusting the Internet: Cues affecting perceived credibility. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 4, 76-94.

    • 306.  Wogalter, M. S., & Feng, E. (2008). Indirectly conveyed warnings: A behavioral compliance evaluation. In W. Karwowski & G. Salvendy (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. ISBN 978-1-606430712.

    • 305.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., Wogalter, M. S., & Quintela, Y. (2008). Cultural ergonomics and the pesticide risk divide. In W. Karwowski & G. Salvendy (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. ISBN 978-1-606430712.

    • 304.  Smith, J. J, Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2008). Two new tires should be mounted on the rear. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52, 1743-1746.

    • 303.  Sharek, D., Swofford, C., & Wogalter, M. S. (2008). Failure to recognize fake internet popup warning messages. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52, 557-560.

    • 302.  Nyeste, P., & Wogalter, M. S. (2008). On adding sound to quiet vehicles. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52, 1747-1750.

    • 301.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2008). On the symbiotic relationship between warnings research and forensics. Human Factors, 50, 529-533.

    • 300.  Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2008). Analysis of terms comprising potential names for a recall notification campaign. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52, 1698-1702.

  • 2007
    • 299.  Vigilante, W. J., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug advertising on television and online purchases of medications. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 1272-1276.

    • 298.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Application of mental models approach to MSDS design. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 8, 303-319.

    • 297.  Smith, J. J. & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Perceived effectiveness of warning messages for use as vocal warnings in residential fire alarms. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 1398-1402.

    • 296.  Ribar, N., Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2007). Perceived hazard for images depicting before and during consequences with two kinds of prohibition symbols. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 1114-1118.

    • 295.  Kim, S., Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Emphasis terms for warning directives on compliance intent. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 569-573.

    • 294.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Hazard control methods and warnings for caregivers and children (Chap. 14). In R. Leuder & V. Rice (eds.). Ergonomics for children. Boca Raton, FL: CRC.

    • 293.  Costello, T. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Reflective trim on clothing: Desirability indicated by purchase preference. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 1119-1123.

    • 292.  Campbell, B. A., Cowley, J. A., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2007). Response time and decision accuracy for ‘no turn on red’ signs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51, 1439-1443.

  • 2006
    • 291.  Young, K. R., Smith, J. J., Wogalter, M. S., Mayhorn, C. B., & Baucom, J. G. (2006). Are students learning about human factors and ergonomics in introductory psychology textbooks? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 50, 789-793.

    • 290.  Wogalter, M. S., & Vigilante, Jr., W. J. (2006). Attention switch & maintenance (Chap. 18). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 245-265). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 289.  Wogalter, M. S., Silver, N. C., Leonard, S. D., & Zaikina, H. (2006). Warning symbols (Chap. 12). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 159-176). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 288.  Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2006). The future of risk communication: Technology-based warning systems (Chap. 63). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 783-793). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 287.  Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2006). Is that information from a credible source? On discriminating Internet domain names. In R. N. Pikkar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association (pp. 6535-6540). Amsterdam: Elsevier (ISSN 0003-6870).

    • 286.  Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2006). Warnings (pp. 1367-1373). In W. Karwowski (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors (2nd ed.). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 285.  Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2006). Warnings and hazard communications (Chap. 32, pp. 889-911). In G. Salvendy (eds.), Handbook of Human Factors / Ergonomics (3rd ed.). New York: Wiley.

    • 284.  Wogalter, M. S., Conzola, V. C & Vigilante, Jr., W. J. (2006). Applying usability engineering principles to the design and testing of warning text (Chap. 38). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 487-498). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 283.  Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Technology will revolutionize warnings. Proceedings of the Solutions in Safety through Technology Symposium, American Society of Safety Engineers. Scottsdale, AZ.

    • 282.  Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Future technology-based warning systems. Proceedings of ABERGO 2006. 14o Congresso Brasileiro de Ergonomia. In M. M. Soares & L. B. Martin (Orgs.) ISBN: 85-89211-06-1. Curitiba, Parana, Brasil.

    • 281.  Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Communication-human information processing (C-HIP) model (Chap. 5). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 51-61). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 280.  Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Scope of warnings (Chap. 1). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 3-9). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 279.  Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Preface. In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. xv-xvii). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 277.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Methods and procedures in warning research (Chap 3). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 23-33). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 276.  Sherehiy, B., Rodrick, D., Karwowski, W, & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Design of warnings for physical tasks: Slips, trips, falls, and manual materials handling (Chap. 53). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 655-667). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 275.  Rousseau, G. K. & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Research on warning signs (Chap. 11). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 147-158). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 274.  Ribar, N., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Risk beliefs for prohibition symbols before and after consequences. In R. N. Pikkar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association (pp. 6109-6114). Amsterdam: Elsevier (ISSN 0003-6870).

    • 273.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Mendat, C. C. (2006). The matching game: Educating children about household hazards and warning symbols. In R. N. Pikkar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association (pp. 1363-1368). Amsterdam: Elsevier (ISSN 0003-6870).

    • 272.  Lim, R. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Perceived effectiveness of bilingual label designs by English and Spanish language users. In R. N. Pikkar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, & P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association (pp. 6541-6546). Amsterdam: Elsevier (ISSN 0003-6870).

    • 271.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Designing effective warnings. In R. Williges (ed.), Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Vol. 2. (pp. 241-271), Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

    • 270.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). The warning expert in civil litigation (Chap. 48). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 605-615). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 269.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Influence of presentation modality on communication of pharmaceutical risk information in direct-to-consumer (DTC) television commercials. In R. N. Pikkar, E. A. P. Koningsveld, and P. J. M. Settels (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVIth Triennial International Ergonomics Association (pp. 5149-5154). Amsterdam: Elsevier (ISSN 0003-6870).

    • 268.  Green, R. S., Cowley, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Acquiring health information: Interpreting terminology and reported search sources. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 50, 984-988.

    • 267.  Glasscock, N. F., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Evaluating preferences for mobile phone features. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 50, 1259-1263.

    • 266.  Dempsey, P. G., Wogalter, M. S., & Hancock, P. A. (2006). Defining ergonomics/human factors (pp. 32-35). InW. Karwowski (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factor (2nd ed.). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 265.  Cox, E. P. III, & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Warning source (Chap. 8). In M. S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 111-122). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 264.  Cowley, J. A., Kim, S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). People do not identify tire aging as a safety hazard. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 50, 860-864.

    • 263.  Cohen, H. H., Cohen, J., Mendat, C. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (2006). Warning channel: Modality and media. In M.S. Wogalter (Ed.) Handbook of Warnings (pp. 123-134). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  • 2005
    • 262.  Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2005). Providing cognitive support with technology-based warning systems. Ergonomics, 48, 522-533.

    • 261.  Wogalter, M. S. & Mayhorn, C. B. (2005). Perceptions of driver distraction by cellular phone users and nonusers. Human Factors, 47, 455-467.

    • 260.  Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2005). Effectiveness of consumer product warnings: Design and forensic considerations. In Y. I. Noy and W. Karwowski (Eds.) Handbook of Human Factors in Litigation (pp. 31.1- 31.11). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    • 259.  Wogalter, M. S. (2005). Factors that influence the design of warning labels and signs. In A. de Moraes & G. Amado (Eds.), ErgoDesign/USIHC: Colletanea de Palestras de Convidados Internacionais e Nacionais. Rio de Janeiro: Brazil: PUC-Rio.

    • 258.  Vigilante, W. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2005). Assessing risk and benefit communication in direct-to-consumer medication web site advertising. Drug Information Journal, 39, 3-12.

    • 257.  Mendat, C. C., Watson, A. M., Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2005). Age differences in search time for two over-the-counter (OTC) drug label formats. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 49, 200-203.

    • 256.  Mayhorn, C. B., Watson, A. M., Wogalter, M. S., & Lanzolla, V. R. (2005). (2005). Aging and medication adherence: Exploring the usability of personal digital assistants. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Gerontechnology. Nagoya, Japan.

    • 255.  Mayhorn, C. B., Lanzolla, V. R., Wogalter, M. S., & Watson, A. M. (2005). Personal digital assistants (PDAs) as medication reminding tools: Exploring age differences in usability. Gerontechnology, 4, 128-140.

    • 254.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (2005). The warning expert. In Y. I. Noy and W. Karwowski (Eds.) Handbook of Human Factors in Litigation (pp. 30.1-30.14). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    • 253.  Hicks, K. E., Wogalter, M. S., & Vigilante, W. J. Jr. (2005). Placement of benefits and risks in prescription drug manufacturers' web sites and information source expectations. Drug Information Journal, 39, 267-278.

  • 2004
    • 252.  Wogalter, M. S., Malpass, R. S, & McQuiston, D. E. (2004). A national survey of U.S. Police on preparation and conduct of identification lineups. Psychology, Crime & Law, 10, 69-82.

    • 251.  Wogalter, M. S. (2004). Factors that influence the effectiveness of warning signs and labels. In 4th Ergodesign: 4o Congresso Internacional de Ergonomia e Usabilidade de Interfaces Humano-Tecnologia: Produtos, Programas, Informacao, Ambiente Construido (pp. 11-19). PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

    • 250.  Ward, S. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Mercer, A. W. (2004). Comprehension and training of international road signs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 2104-2108.

    • 249.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2004). Potential uses of technology to communicate risk in manufacturing. Human Factors/Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 14, 1-14.

    • 248.  Podany, K. I., Wogalter, M. S., & Mayhorn, C. B. (2004). Perceived effectiveness of 'no turn on red' traffic signs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 2004-2007.

    • 247.  Mendat, C. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (2004). The effectiveness of tactile cues in cellular phones. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 717-720.

    • 246.  Mendat, C. C., Ward, S. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2004). Human factors in public facilities design. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 1126-1128.

    • 245.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Shaver, E. F. (2004). What does code red mean? Ergonomics in Design, 12 (4), 12.

    • 244.  Mayhorn, C. B., Wogalter, M. S., & Bell, J. L. (2004). Homeland security safety symbols: Are we ready? Ergonomics in Design, 12 (4), 6-11, 13-14.

    • 243.  Lim, R. W., and Wogalter, M. S. (2004). Printed warning statements and signal words on intended carefulness.Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 2031-2034.

    • 242.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2004). Assessing people's knowledge and beliefs about dietary supplements. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 1736-1740.

    • 241.  Costello, T. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (2004). Reflective clothing is attractive to pedestrians. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 48, 1199-1202.

  • 2003
    • 240.  Wogalter, M. S., & Vigilante, W. J. Jr. (2003). Effects of label format on knowledge acquisition and perceived readability by younger and older adults. Ergonomics, 46, 327-344.

    • 239.  Wiebe, E. N., E. Shaver, and M. S. Wogalter (2003). Attitudes about the Internet: Implications for use in education. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 31, 143-156.

    • 238.  Sommerich, C., & Wogalter, M. S., Eds. (2003). Technology and Ergonomics. Special issue. Human Factors/Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 14, 1-95.

    • 237.  Shaver, E. F., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). A comparison of older v. newer over-the-counter (OTC) nonprescription drug labels on search time accuracy. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 826- 830.

    • 236.  Mendat, C. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). Perceptions of parking facilities: Factors to be considered in design and maintenance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 918-921.

    • 235.  Mayhorn, C. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). Technology-based warnings: Improving safety through increased cognitive support to users. Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 4, 504-507.

    • 234.  Lim, R. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). Beliefs about bilingual labels on consumer products. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 839-843.

    • 233.  Kalsher, M. J., Williams, K. J., Viale, A. F., Yockey, N. P., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). The effects of contextual information on allocation of responsibility: A social cognitive framework. Proceedings of the XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, 4, 492-495.

    • 232.  Hicks, K. E., Bell, J. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). On the prediction of pictorial comprehension. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 1735-1739.

    • 231.  Evil, A. Y., Shaver, E. F., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). On trust in the Internet: Belief cues from domain suffixes and seals of approval. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 1346-1350.

    • 230.  Costello, T. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). Driver attitudes, beliefs, and reported behavior associated with sharing public roads with farm vehicles. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 1039-1043.

    • 229.  Cheatham, D. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2003). Comprehension of over-the-counter drug label warnings regarding consumption of acetaminophen and alcohol. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47, 1540-1544.

    • 228.  Cheatham, D., Shaver, E., & Wogalter, M. (2003). Developing effective warnings for the workplace. Occupational Health & Safety, June, 28-32, 48.

  • 2002
    • 227.  Wogalter, M.S., Smith-Jackson, T. L., Mills, B., & Paine, C. (2002). Effects of print format in direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertisements on risk knowledge and preference. Drug Information Journal, 36, 693-705.

    • 226.  Wogalter, M. S., Shaver, E. F., & Chan, L. S. (2002). List vs. paragraph formats on time to compare nutrition labels. In P. T. McCabe (Ed.) Advances in Ergonomics 2002 (pp. 458-462). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 225.  Wogalter, M. S., Murray, L. A., Glover, B. L., & Shaver, E. F. (2002). Comprehension of different types of prohibitive safety symbols with glance exposure. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 1753-1757.

    • 224.  Wogalter, M. S., Conzola, V. C., & Smith-Jackson, T. L. (2002). Research-based guidelines for warning design and evaluation. Applied Ergonomics, 33, 231-240.

    • 223.  Wogalter, M. S., & Conzola, V. C. (2002). Using technology to facilitate the design and delivery of warnings. International Journal of Systems Science, 33, 461-466.

    • 222.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., Wogalter, M. S., & Shaver, E. F. (2002). Road rage: User-reported antecedents and potential solutions. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 920-92.

    • 221.  Mehlenbacher, B., Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (2002). On the reading of product owner’s manuals: Perceptions and product complexity. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 730- 734.

    • 220.  Lim, R. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). Human factors design considerations of alarm clocks. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 705-709.

    • 219.  Laughery, K. R., Paige, D. L., Wogalter, M. S., & Bean, R. N. (2002). Punitive damages awards in civil litigation: Effects of profit information and amount of pain and suffering award. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 880-884.

    • 218.  Laughery, K. R., Paige, D. L., Laughery, B. R., Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., & Leonard, S. D. (2002). Guidelines for warnings design: Do they matter? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 1708-1712.

    • 217.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). Over-the-counter analgesics: A survey of the public’s knowledge, attitudes and beliefs regarding current labeling practices. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 1735-1738.

    • 216.  Hicks, K. E., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). Beliefs and potential use of prescription drug information sources. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 1496-1500.

    • 215.  Grotjean, K., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). Perceived persuasiveness of product manual warnings as a function of statement type. In P. T. McCabe (Ed.) Advances in Ergonomics 2002 (pp. 452-457). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 214.  Freeman, K., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). On informing women of child bearing age about seat belt risk during pregnancy. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 943-946.

    • 213.  Cheatham, D. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (2002). Reported likelihood of reading over-the-counter (OTC) medication labeling and contacting a physician. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 46, 1452- 1456.

  • 2001
    • 212.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Predictors of pictorial symbol comprehension. Information Design Journal, 10, 124-132.

    • 211.  Wogalter, M. S., Young, S. L., & Laughery, K. R., Eds. (2001). Human Factors Perspectives on Warnings, Volume 2: Selections from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings 1993 - 2000. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

    • 210.  Wogalter, M. S., & Shaver, E. F. (2001). Evaluation of list vs. paragraph text format on search time for warning symptoms in a product manual (pp. 434-438). In A. C. Bittner, Jr., P. C. Champney, and S. J. Morrissey (eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 4, London: Taylor and Francis.

    • 209.  Wogalter, M. S., Ornan, R. N., Lim, R. W., & Chipley, M. R. (2001). On the risk of quiet vehicles to pedestrians and drivers. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 1685-1688.

    • 208.  Wogalter, M. S., Dempsey, P. G., & Hancock, P. A. (2001). Defining ergonomics/human factors (pp. 35-37). International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors (W. Karwowski, Editor). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 207.  Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Computer-aided development and display of warnings. Computer-Aided Ergonomics and Safety III (CD-ROM). Louisville, KY: IOS Press and OHMSHA.

    • 206.  Wiebe, E. N., Shaver, E. F., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). People’s beliefs about the Internet: Surveying the positive and negative. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 1186-1190.

    • 205.  Vigilante, W. J., Jr., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription medications on the World Wide Web: Assessing the communication of risks. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 1279-1283.

    • 204.  Shaver, E. F., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Identifying what drivers know about the hazards of air bags to children. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 885-888.

    • 203.  Laughery, K. R., Paige, D., Bean, R. N., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Pain and suffering awards for consumer product accidents: Effects of suggesting day-rate information. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 843-847.

    • 202.  Hicks, K. E., Vigilante, W. J., Jr., & Wogalter, M. S., (2001). Relative placement of benefit and risk information in direct-to-consumer advertisements of prescription drugs on the World Wide Web. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 1196-1200.

    • 201.  Freeman, K. F., Wogalter, M. S., Hink-Eustace, J. K., & Frederick, L. J. (2001). Development of a warning system for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (pp. 439-443). In A. C. Bittner, Jr., P. C. Champney, and S. J. Morrissey (eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 4, London: Taylor and Francis.

    • 200.  Freeman., K., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Evaluation of pictorial symbols to warn computer keyboard users about carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 45, 1468-1472.

    • 199.  Conzola, V. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). A Communication–Human Information Processing (C–HIP) approach to warning effectiveness in the workplace. Journal of Risk Research, 4, 309-322.

    • 198.  Converse-Lane, S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Preface for Special section: Knowledge acquisition. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 5, 275-277.

    • 197.  Converse-Lane, S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2001). Special section: Knowledge acquisition. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 5, 275-277.

  • 2000
    • 196.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000b). Predictors of pictorial symbol comprehension. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 294- 297.

    • 195.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000a). On improving set-up angle accuracy for extension ladders. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 111-114.

    • 194.  Wogalter, M. S., Yarbrough, M. F., & Martin, D. W. (2000). Method meets technology: Survey rates using mail, email, and fax. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (6), 581-584.

    • 193.  Williams, K. J., Kalsher, M. J., Maru, M., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Emphasizing non-obvious hazards using multi-frame pictorials and color on allocation of blame. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 124-127.

    • 192.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000b). Users' hazard perception of warning components: An examination of colors and symbols. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (6), 55-58.

    • 191.  Smith-Jackson, T. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000a). Applying cultural ergonomics/human factors to safety information research. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (6), 150-153.

    • 190.  Ornan, R. N., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Representing dynamic mouse commands in static displays: Representing graphical symbols. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 330-333.

    • 189.  Martin, D. W., Wogalter, M. S., & Yarbrough, M. (2000). HFES members' and students' career influences: A survey. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (2), 121-124.

    • 188.  Leonard, S. D., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). What you don’t know can hurt you: Household products and events. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 32, 383-388.

    • 187.  Lim, R. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). The position of static and on-off banners in WWW displays on subsequent recognition. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (1), 420-423.

    • 186.  Laughery, K. R., Laughery, B. R., Meingast, M. E., Bean, R., N., & Wogalter, M.S. (2000)(b). Allocation of pain and suffering awards for consumer product accidents: Effects of level of economic damages. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 128-131.

    • 185.  Laughery, K. R., Laughery, B. R., Meingast, M. E., Bean, R., N., & Wogalter, M.S. (2000)(a). Pain and suffering awards for consumer product accidents: Effects of plaintiff-defendant liability and injury severity. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 120-121.

    • 184.  Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Warning and instructions: Design factors for medical devices and systems. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 537-540.

    • 183.  Kalsher, M. J., Gallo, J. B., Williams, K. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). High levels of behavioral compliance in a realistic product assembly task. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 822-825.

    • 182.  Kalsher, M. J., Brantley, K. A., Wogalter, M. S., & Wolf, J. F. (2000). Evaluating choking child pictorial symbols. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 790-793.

    • 181.  Hollander, T. D., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Connoted hazard of voiced warning signal words: An examination of auditory components. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (3), 702-705.

    • 180.  Dempsey, P. G., Wogalter, M. S., & Hancock, P. A. (2000). What’s in a name? Using terms from definitions to examine the fundamental foundation of human factors and ergonomics science. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1, 3-10.

    • 179.  Barzegar, R. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Intended carefulness ratings for voice warning statements. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (3), 686-689.

    • 178.  Barnes, H. J., Levine, J. D., & Wogalter, M. S. (2000). Evaluating the clarity of highway entrance-ramp directional signs. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association & the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Congress, 44 (4), 794-797.

  • 1999
    • 177.  Young, S. L., Laughery, K. R., Wogalter, M. S., & Lovvoll, D. (1999). Receiver characteristics in safety communications (Chap 39, pp. 693-706). In W. Karwowski and W. S. Marras (Eds.), The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

    • 176.  Wogalter, M.S., Young, S. L., Brelsford, J. W., & Barlow, T. (1999). The relative contribution of injury severity and likelihood information on hazard-risk judgments and warning compliance. Journal of Safety Research, 30, 151-162.

    • 175.  Wogalter, & M. S., & Usher, M. 0. (1999). Effects of concurrent cognitive task loading on warning compliance behavior. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 525-529.

    • 174.  Wogalter, M. S., & Sojourner, R. J. (1999). Research on pharmaceutical labeling: An information processing approach. In D. C. Park, R. C. Morrell, & K. Shifren (Eds.) Processing of Medical Information in Aging Patients: Cognitive and Human Factors Perspectives. (pp. 291-310) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

    • 173.  Wogalter, M. S., Mills, B. J., Paine, C. S., & Smith-Jackson, T. L. (1999). Application of cognitive principles to the design of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription medications. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 515-519.

    • 172.  Wogalter, M. S., Magurno, A. B., Dietrich, D., & Scott, K. (1999). Enhancing information acquisition for over- the-counter medications by making better use of container surface space. Experimental Aging Research, 25, 27-48.

    • 171.  Wogalter, M. S., & Leonard, S. D. (1999). Attention capture and maintenance. In M. S. Wogalter, D. M. DeJoy, & K. R. Laughery (Eds.). Warnings and Risk Communication (pp. 123-148). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 170.  Wogalter, M.S., Kalsher, M. J., & Rashid. R. (1999). Effect of signal word and source attribution on judgments of warning credibility and compliance likelihood. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 24, 185- 192.

    • 169.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., Glover, B. L., & Magurno, A. B. (1999). Connecting jumper cables: The effectiveness of pictorial warnings (pp 127-132). In H. J. G. Zwaga, T. Boersema, & H. C. M. Hoonhout (Eds.). Visual information for everyday use: Design and research perspectives. London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 168.  Wogalter, M. S., Howe, J. E., Sifuentes, A. H., & Luginbuhl, J. (1999). On the adequacy of legal documents: Factors that influence informed consent. Ergonomics, 42, 593-613.

    • 167.  Wogalter, M. S., & Dingus, T. A. (1999). Methodological techniques for evaluating behavioral intentions and compliance. In M. S. Wogalter, D. M. DeJoy, and K. R. Laughery (Eds.). Warnings and Risk Communication (pp. 53-82). London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 166.  Wogalter, M. S., DeJoy, D. M., & Laughery, K. R. (1999). Organizing framework: A consolidated communication-human information processing (C-HIP) model. In M. S. Wogalter, D. M. DeJoy, & K. R. Laughery (Eds.). Warnings and Risk Communication. (pp. 15-24). London: Taylor and Francis.

    • 165.  Wogalter, M. S., DeJoy, D. M., & Laughery, K. R. (1999). Preface. In M. S. Wogalter, D. M. DeJoy, & K. R. Laughery (Eds.). Warnings and Risk Communication. (pp. xiii-xvii). London: Taylor and Francis.

    • 163.  Wogalter, M. S., Conzola, V. C., & Vigilante, W. J. (1999). Applying usability engineering principles to the design and testing of warning messages. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 921-925.

    • 162.  Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Factors influencing the effectiveness of warnings (pp. 93-110). In H. J. G. Zwaga, T. Boersema, & H. C. M. Hoonhout (Eds.). Visual information for everyday use: Design and research perspectives. London: Taylor & Francis.

    • 161.  Vigilante, Jr., W. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Over-the-counter (OTC) drug labeling: Format preferences. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 103-107.

    • 160.  Parsons, S. O., Seminara, J. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). A summary of recent research on warnings. Ergonomics in Design, 7 (1), 21-31.

    • 159.  Leonard, S. D., Otani, H., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Comprehension and memory. In M. S. Wogalter, D. M. DeJoy, & K. R. Laughery (Eds.). Warnings and Risk Communication. (pp. 149-188). London: Taylor and Francis.

    • 158.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Williams, K. J. (1999). Allocation of responsibility for injuries from a "hidden" hazard. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 598-602.

    • 157.  Conzola, C. V., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Using voice and print directives and warnings to supplement product manual instructions. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 23, 549-556.

    • 156.  Cheatham, D. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Connoted hazard and perceived conspicuity of warning configurations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 883-887.

    • 155.  Bzostek, J. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Measuring visual search time for a product warning label as a function of icon, color, column, and vertical placement. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 888-892.

    • 154.  Brantley, K. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (1999). Oral and written symbol comprehension testing: The benefit of cognitive interview probing. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 43, 1060-1064.

  • 1998
    • 153.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Relative importance of different verbal components in conveying hazard-level information in warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 1063- 1067.

    • 152.  Wolff, J. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Comprehension of pictorial symbols: Effects of context and test method. Human Factors, 40, 173-186.

    • 151.  Wogalter, M. S., & Young, S. L. (1998). Using a hybrid communication/human information-processing model to evaluate beverage alcohol warning effectiveness. Applied Behavioral Sciences Review, 6, 17-37.

    • 150.  Wogalter, M. S., Vigilante, W. J., & Baneth, R. C. (1998). Availability of operator manuals for used consumer products. Applied Ergonomics, 29, 193-200.

    • 149.  Wogalter, M. S., & Rogers, W. A. (1998). Human factors/ergonomics: Using psychology to make a better and safer world. Eye on Psi Chi, 3 (1, Fall), 23-26.

    • 148.  Wogalter, M. S., Magurno, A. B., Rashid, R., & Klein, K. W. (1998). The influence of time stress and location on behavioral compliance. Safety Science, 29, 143-158.

    • 147.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., Frederick, L. J., Magurno, A. B., & Brewster, B. M. (1998). Hazard level perceptions of warning components and configurations. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 2, 123-143.

    • 146.  Wogalter, M. S., Hancock, P. A., & Dempsey, P. G. (1998). On the description and definition of human factors/ergonomics. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 671-674.

    • 145.  Wogalter, M. S., & Cox, E. P. III (1998). Guest Editorial: Psychology, marketing and warnings research: Bridging the gap between consumer theory and warning practice. Psychology & Marketing, 15, 615-619.

    • 144.  Wogalter, M. S., & Cox, E. P. III (1998). Consumer Warnings: Special Issue, Psychology & Marketing, 15, 615- 726.

    • 143.  Wogalter, M. S., Brantley, K. A., Laughery, K. R., & Lovvoll, D. R. (1998). Effects of warning quality and expert testimony on allocation of responsibility of consumer product accidents. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 665-669.

    • 142.  Vigilante, W. J., Jr., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Product manual safety warnings: The effects of ordering. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 593-597.

    • 141.  Vigilante, W. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Older adults' perceptions of OTC drug labels: Print size, white space, and design type. In S. Kumar (Ed.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety (pp 599-602). Louisville, KY: IOS Press and OHMSHA.

    • 140.  Sojourner, R. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). The influence of pictorials on the comprehension and recall of pharmaceutical safety and warning information. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 2, 93-106.

    • 139.  Smith-Jackson, T., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Determining the preferred order of material safety data sheets (MSDS): A user-centered approach. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 1073- 1077.

    • 138.  Murray, L. A., Magurno, A. B., Glover, B. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Prohibitive pictorials: Evaluations of different circle-slash negation symbols. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 22, 473-482.

    • 137.  Laughery, K. R., Laughery, B. R., Lovvoll, D. R., McQuilkin, M. L., & Wogalter, M.S. (1998). Effects of warnings on responsibility allocation. Psychology & Marketing, 15, 687-706.

    • 136.  Karwowski, W., Wogalter, M. S., & Dempsey, P. G. Eds. (1998). Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders: Research on manual materials handling, 1983-1996. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

    • 135.  Kalsher, M. J., Phoenix, G. M., Wogalter, M. S., & Braun, C. C. (1998). How do people attribute blame for burns sustained from hot coffee? The role of causal attributions. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 651-655.

    • 134.  Hink, J. K., Eustace, J. K., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Do grables enable the extraction of quantitative information better than pure graphs or tables? International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 22, 439-447.

    • 133.  Gibb, R. W., Caldwell, B. S., Garland, D. J., Goldberg, J. H., Hickox, J. C., Payne, D. G., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Undergraduate human factors curriculum and introductory human factors course content. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 619-623.

    • 132.  Drake, K. L., Conzola, V. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Discrimination among sign and label warning signal words. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 8, 289-301.

    • 131.  Conzola, V. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Consumer product warnings: Effects of injury statistics on recall and subjective evaluations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 559-563.

    • 130.  Barzegar, R. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Intended carefulness for voiced warning signal words. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 42, 1068-1072.

    • 129.  Barzegar, R. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1998). Effects of auditorily-presented warning signal words on intended carefulness (pp. 311-315). In M. A. Hanson (Ed.) Contemporary Ergonomics, 1998. London: Taylor & Francis.

  • 1997
    • 128.  Wogalter, M. S., Sojourner, R. J., & Brelsford, J. W. (1997). Comprehension and retention of safety pictorials. Ergonomics, 40, 531-542.

    • 127.  Wogalter, M. S., Sifuentes, A. H., & Luginbuhl, J. (1997). Factors influencing comprehension of informed consent: Appearance, time stress and voice presentation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 529-532.

    • 126.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., & Rashid, R. (1997). Effect of warning signal word and source on perceived credibility and compliance likelihood. Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA’97, 3, 478-480.

    • 125.  Wogalter, M. S., Laughery, K. R., & Barfield, D. A. (1997). Effect of container shape on hazard perceptions. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 390-394.

    • 124.  Wogalter, M.S., Kalsher, M. J., & Rashid, R. (1997). Effect of source attribution on judgments of warning credibility and compliance likelihood (pp. 451-454). In B. Das & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety. II, Louisville, KY: IOS Press and OHMSHA.

    • 123.  Wogalter, M.S., Frederick, L. J., Magurno, A. B, & Herrera, O. L. (1997). Connoted hazard of Spanish and English warning signal words, colors, and symbols by native Spanish language users. Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA’97, 3, 353-355.

    • 122.  Wogalter, M. S., Begley, P. B., Scancorelli, L. F., & Brelsford, J. W. (1997). Effectiveness of elevator service signs: Measurement of perceived understandability, willingness to comply, and behaviour. Applied Ergonomics, 28, 181-187.

    • 121.  Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Forensic issues of young children falling through window screens: A set of parallel case studies. Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA’97, 7, 584-586.

    • 120.  Vredenburgh, A., Cohen, H. H., Hornick, R. Laughery, K., Leonard, D., Olsen, R. Smith, L., Thompson, D., Wogalter, M., & Zackowitz, I. (1997). Mock trial: How human factors experts contribute to civil Litigation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 524-528.

    • 119.  Vigilante Jr., W. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). On the prioritization of safety warnings in product manuals. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 20, 277-285.

    • 118.  Vigilante, W. J. Jr, & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). The preferred order of over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical label components. Drug Information Journal, 31, 973-988.

    • 117.  Sojourner, R. J., & Wogalter, M. S., (1997). The influence of pictorials on evaluations of prescription medication instructions. Drug Information Journal, 31, 963-972.

    • 116.  Smith-Jackson, T. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Background discontinuous speech increases perceived difficulty of a language-based task. Proceedings of the Silicon Valley Ergonomics Conference, ErgoCon’97, 93-97.

    • 115.  Smith-Jackson, T. S., Klein, K. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Open-plan office designs: An examination of unattended speech, performance, and focused attention. Proceedings of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, 41, 509-513.

    • 114.  Rashid, R., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Effects of warning border color, width, and design on perceived effectiveness (pp. 455-458). In B. Das & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety. II, Louisville, KY: IOS Press and Ohmsha.

    • 113.  Martin, D. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). The exposure of undergraduate students to human factors/ergonomics instruction. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 470-473.

    • 112.  Leonard, S. D., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). What you don't know can hurt you: Control settings. Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA’97, 3, 261-263.

    • 111.  Leonard, S. D., Griffin, R. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Electrical hazards in the home: What do people know? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 840-843.

    • 110.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Warnings and risk perception. In G. Salvendy (ed.) Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics (2nd ed., pp. 1174-1197) New York: Wiley-Interscience.

    • 109.  Kalsher, M. J., Cote, M. B., Champagne, M. V., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). The effects of a raised label border on warning effectiveness measures. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 811-815.

    • 108.  Glover, B. L., & Wogalter, M.S. (1997). Using a computer simulated world to study behavioral compliance with warnings: Effects of salience and gender. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 41, 1283-1287.

    • 107.  Frederick, L. J., Hink, J. K., & Wogalter, M. S. (1997). Prioritizing symptoms of CTDs for the design of warning labels. Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA’97, 4, 268-270.

    • 106.  Cox, Eli P. III, Wogalter, M. S., Stokes, S. L., & Murff, E. J. T. (1997). Do product warnings increase safe behavior? A meta-analysis. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 16, 195-204.

  • 1996
    • 99.  Lovvoll, D. R., Laughery, K. R., McQuilkin, M. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). Responsibility for product safety in the work environment. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 814-817.

    • 98.  Koehnken, G., Malpass, R. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). Forensic applications of lineup research (Chap 9, pp. 205-232). In Sporer, S. L., Malpass, R. S., & Koehnken, G. (Eds.). Psychological Issues in Eyewitness Identification. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

    • 97.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Racicot, B. M. (1996). Pharmaceutical container labels and warnings: Preference and perceived readability of alternative designs and pictorials. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 18, 83-90.

    • 96.  Hink, J. K., Wogalter, M. S., & Eustace, J. K. (1996). Display of quantitative information: Are grables better than plain graphs or tables? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 1155-1159.

    • 95.  Glover, B. L., Magurno, A. B., Murray, L. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). Pictorial negations: Preferences for different circle-slash variations. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 910-914.

    • 94.  Conzola, V. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). Compliance and recall of operator manual instructions: The use of supplemental voice and print directives and warnings. In A. Mital, H. Krueger, S. Kumar, M. Menozzie, & J. E. Fernandez (Eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety I. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

    • 105.  Wogalter, M. S., Magurno, A. B., Scott, K. L., & Dietrich, D. A. (1996). Facilitating information acquisition for over-the-counter drugs using supplemental labels. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 732-736.

    • 104.  Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (1996). WARNING: Sign and Label Effectiveness. Current Directions in Psychology, 5, 33-37.

    • 103.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., & Litynski, D. M. (1996). Influence of food label quantifier terms on connoted amount and purchase intention. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 385-389.

    • 102.  Wogalter, M. S. (1996). Describing faces from memory: Accuracy and effects on subsequent recognition performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 536-540.

    • 101.  Vigilante Jr., W. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). The ordering of over-the-counter pharmaceutical label components. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 40, 141-145.

    • 100.  Vigilante, W. J. Jr., & Wogalter, M. S. (1996). The ordering of safety warnings in product manuals. In A. Mital, H. Krueger, S. Kumar, M. Menozzie, & J. E. Fernandez (Eds.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety I. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

  • 1995
    • 93.  Young, S. L., Wogalter, M. S., Laughery, K. R., Magurno, A. & Lovvoll, D. (1995). Relative order and space allocation of message components in hazard warning signs. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 969-973.

    • 92.  Wogalter, M. S., & Silver, N. C. (1995). Warning signal words: Connoted strength and understandability by children, elders, and non-native English speakers. Ergonomics, 38, 2188-2206.

    • 91.  Wogalter, M. S., Magurno, A. B., Carter, A. W., Swindell, J. A., Vigilante, W. J., & Daurity, J. G. (1995). Hazard association values of warning sign header components. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 979-983.

    • 90.  Wogalter, M. S., & Dietrich, D. A. (1995). Enhancing label readability in over-the-counter pharmaceuticals for elderly consumers. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 143-147.

    • 89.  Wogalter, M. S., Barlow, T., & Murphy, S. (1995). Compliance to owner’s manual warnings: Influence of familiarity and the task-relevant placement of a supplemental directive. Ergonomics, 38, 1081-1091.

    • 88.  Silver, N. C., Wogalter, M. S., Brewster, B. M., Glover, B. L., Murray, L. A., Tillotson, C. A. & Temple, T. L. (1995). Comprehension and perceived quality of warning pictorials. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 1057-1061.

    • 87.  Racicot, B. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1995). Effects of a video warning sign and social modeling on behavioral compliance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 27, 57-64.

    • 86.  Perlman, G., Greene, G., & Wogalter, M. S. Eds. (1995). Human Factors Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction: Selections from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings 1983 - 1994. Santa Monica: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

    • 85.  Laughery, K. R., Wogalter, M. S., & Lovvoll, D. R. (1995). Allocation of responsibility for product safety. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 435-439.

    • 84.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., Brewster, B., & Spunar, M. E. (1995). Hazard level perceptions of current and proposed warning sign and label panels. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 351-355.

    • 83.  Howe, J. E., & Wogalter, M. S. (1995). On making legal documents understandable: Objective and subjective measures. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 39, 430-434.

    • 82.  Duffy, R. R., Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1995). Increased effectiveness of an interactive warning in a realistic incidental product-use situation. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 15, 159-166.

  • 1994
    • 81.  Wogalter, M. S., & Young, S. L. (1994). The effect of alternative product-label design on warning compliance. Applied Ergonomics, 25, 53-57.

    • 80.  Wogalter, M. S., Racicot, B. M., Kalsher, M. J., & Simpson, S. N. (1994). Personalization of warning signs: The role of perceived relevance in behavioral compliance in personalized warning signs. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 14, 233-242.

    • 79.  Wogalter, M. S., & Kalsher, M. J. (1994). Increasing the correct connection of car battery jumper cables with an enhanced tag warning. Proceedings of Public Graphics. University of Utrecht, The Netherlands: Psychology Department.

    • 78.  Wogalter, M. S., & Kalsher, M. J. (1994). Label list format: Effects of item arrangement and completeness on comparison time and accuracy. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 389-393.

    • 77.  Wogalter, M. S., Jarrard, S. W., & Simpson, S. W. (1994). Influence of signal words on perceived level of product hazard. Human Factors, 36, 547-556.

    • 76.  Wogalter, M. S., & Brelsford, J. W. (1994). Incidental exposure to rotating warnings on alcoholic beverage labels. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 374-378.

    • 75.  Wogalter, M. S., & Baneth, R. C. (1994). Availability of owner’s manuals for ‘second-hand’ consumer products. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 447-450.

    • 74.  Wogalter, M. S. (1994). Factors influencing the effectiveness of warnings. Proceedings of Public Graphics (Chap 5. pp. 5.1-5.21). Psychology Department, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.

    • 73.  Magurno, A., Wogalter, M. S., Kohake, J., & Wolff, J. S. (1994). Iterative test and development of pharmaceutical pictorials. Proceedings of the 12th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Vol. 4, 360-362.

    • 72.  Magurno, A. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (1994). Behavioral compliance with warnings: Effects of stress and placement. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 826-830.

    • 71.  Lovvoll, D. R., Laughery, K. R., Wogalter, M. S., & Terry, S. A. (1994). Risk perception issues in the use of motorized shoulder belt/manual lap belt systems. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 456-460.

    • 70.  Laughery, K. R., Wogalter, M. S., & Young, S. L., Eds. (1994). Human Factors Perspectives on Warnings: Selections from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meetings 1980 - 1993. Santa Monica: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

    • 69.  Kalsher, M. J., Pucci, S., Wogalter, M. S., & Racicot, B. M. (1994). Enhancing the perceived readability of pharmaceutical container labels and warnings: The use of alternative designs and pictorials. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 384-388.

    • 68.  Jarrard, S. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1994). Learning complex visual stimuli: Effects of spaced presentation and rehearsal on aircraft recognition. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 1188-1192.

    • 67.  Howe, J. E., & Wogalter, M. S. (1994). The understandability of legal documents: Are they adequate? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 438-442.

    • 66.  Brelsford, J. W., Wogalter, M. S., & Scoggins, J. A. (1994). Enhancing comprehension and retention of safety- related pictorials. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 38, 836-840.

  • 1993
    • 65.  Wolff, J. S., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Test and development of pharmaceutical pictorials. In Proceedings of Interface 93, 8, 187-192.

    • 64.  Wogalter, M. S., & Young, S. L. (1993). Using warnings to increase safe behavior: A process model approach. In K. Guindon (Ed.) Best's Safety Directory (Vol. 2, pp. 1604-1609). Oldwick, NJ: A.M. Best Company.

    • 63.  Wogalter, M. S., Racicot, B. M., Kalsher, M. J., & Simpson, S. N. (1993). Behavioral compliance to personalized warning signs and the role of perceived relevance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 950-954.

    • 62.  Wogalter, M. S., Malpass, R. S., & Burger, M. A. (1993). How police officers construct lineups: A national survey. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 640-644.

    • 61.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., & Racicot, B. M. (1993). Behavioral compliance with warnings: Effects of voice, context, and location. Safety Science, 16, 637-654.

    • 60.  Wogalter, M. S., Forbes, R. M., & Barlow, T. (1993). Alternative product label designs: Increasing the surface area and print size. In Proceedings of Interface 93, 8, 181-186.

    • 59.  Wogalter, M. S., Brems, D. J., & Martin, E. G. (1993). Risk perception of common consumer products: Judgments of accident frequency and precautionary intent. Journal of Safety Research, 24, 97-106.

    • 58.  Silver, N. C., Gammella, D. S., Barlow, A. N., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Connoted strength of signal words by elderly and non-native English speakers. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 516-519.

    • 57.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Racicot, B. M. (1993). Development of posted alcohol warning for specific target groups. Proceedings of the 1993 Marketing and Public Policy Conference, 133-134.

    • 56.  Kalsher, M. J., Rodocker, A. J., Racicot, B. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Promoting recycling behavior in office environments. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 484-488.

    • 55.  Kalsher, M. J., Clarke, S. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Communication of alcohol facts and hazards by a warning poster. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 12, 78-90.

    • 54.  Duffy, R. R., Kalsher, M. J., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). The effectiveness of an interactive warning in a realistic product-use situation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 935-939.

    • 53.  DeJoy, D. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Preface: Warnings and risk communication, Special issue. Safety Science, 16, 565-568.

    • 52.  DeJoy, D. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1993). Warnings and risk communication: Special issue. Safety Science, 16, 565-762.

    • 51.  Barlow, T., & Wogalter, M.S. (1993). Alcoholic beverage warnings in magazine and television advertisements. Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 147-156.

  • 1992
    • 50.  Young, S. L., Wogalter, M. S., & Brelsford, J. W. Jr. (1992). Relative contribution of likelihood and severity of injury to risk perceptions. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 1014-1018.

    • 49.  Wogalter, M. S., Marwitz, D. B., & Leonard, D. C. (1992). Suggestiveness in photospread lineups: Similarity induces distinctiveness. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 6, 443-453

    • 48.  Wogalter, M. S., Kalsher, M. J., & Racicot, B. M. (1992). The influence of location and pictorials on behavioral compliance to warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 1029-1033.

    • 47.  Wogalter, M. S., Jarrard, S. W., & Simpson, S. N. (1992). Effects of warning signal words on consumer-product hazard perceptions. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 935-939.

    • 46.  Wogalter, M. S., Cayard, J. A., & Jarrard, S. (1992). Massed vs. distributed exposure and imaging of faces: Changing the test view. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews, 10, 281-188.

    • 45.  Racicot, B. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1992). Warning compliance: Effects of video warning sign and modeling on behavior. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 608-610.

    • 44.  Kalsher, M. J., Wogalter, M. S., & Gilbert, C. M. (1992). Connoted quantity of food-label modifier terms. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 528-532.

    • 43.  Jessen, D. M., & Wogalter, M. S. (1992). The influence of audio-visual instruction on consumers' selection of nutritious food products. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 533-537.

    • 42.  Jarrard, S. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1992). Recognition of non-studied visual depictions of aircraft: Improvement by distributed presentation. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 36, 1316-1320.

  • 1991
    • 41.  Wogalter, M. S., & Young, S. L. (1991). Behavioural compliance to voice and print warnings. Ergonomics, 34, 79-89.

    • 40.  Wogalter, M. S., Van't Slot, L. J., & Kalsher, M. J. (1991). Bias in police lineups and its reduction by an alternative lineup construction procedure. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 1561-1565.

    • 39.  Wogalter, M. S., Rashid, R., & Clarke, S. W. (1991). Evaluating the behavioral effectiveness of a multi-modal voice warning sign in a cluttered environment. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 718-722.

    • 38.  Wogalter, M. S., & Marwitz, D. B. (1991). Face composite construction: In-view and from-memory quality and improvement with practice. Ergonomics, 34, 459-468.

    • 37.  Wogalter, M. S., & Hosie, J. A. (1991). Effects of cranial and facial hair on perceptions of age and person. Journal of Social Psychology, 131, 589-591.

    • 36.  Wogalter, M. S., Brelsford, J. W., Desaulniers, D. R., & Laughery, K. R. (1991). Consumer product warnings: The role of hazard perception. Journal of Safety Research, 22, 71-82.

    • 35.  Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Effects of post-exposure description and imaging on subsequent face recognition performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 575-579.

    • 34.  Silver, N. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Strength and understanding of signal words by elementary and middle school students. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 590-594.

    • 33.  Silver, N. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Pest-control products: Hazard perception, product type, and label characteristics. Proceedings of Interface 91, 7, 106-110.

    • 32.  Silver, N. C., Leonard, D. C., Ponsi, K. A., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Warnings and purchase intentions for pest- control products. Forensic Reports, 4, 17-33.

    • 31.  Kalsher, M. J., Clarke, S. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Posted warning placard: Effects on college students' knowledge of alcohol facts and hazards. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 456-460.

    • 30.  Barlow, T., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Increasing the surface area on small product containers to facilitate communication of label information and warnings. Proceedings of Interface 91, 7, 88-93.

    • 29.  Barlow, T., & Wogalter, M. S. (1991). Alcohol beverage warnings in print advertisements. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 35, 451-455.

  • 1990
    • 28.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1990). Comprehension and memory of instruction manual warnings: Conspicuous print and pictorial icons. Human Factors, 32, 637-649.

    • 27.  Young, S. L., Brelsford, J. W., & Wogalter, M. S. (1990). Judgments of hazard, risk, and danger: Do they differ? Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 34, 503-507.

    • 26.  Wogalter, M. S., & Silver, N. C. (1990). Arousal strength of signal words. Forensic Reports, 3, 407-420.

    • 25.  Wogalter, M. S., & Frei, R. L. (1990). Social influence and preference of direct-manipulation and keyboard- command computer interfaces. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 34, 907-911.

    • 24.  Wogalter, M. S., & Barlow, T. (1990). Injury likelihood and severity in warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 34, 580-583.

  • 1989
    • 23.  Young, S. L., Martin, E. G., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Gender differences in consumer product hazard perceptions. Proceedings of Interface 89, 6, 73-78 (Human Factors Society).

    • 22.  Wogalter, M. S., & Post, M. P. (1989). Printed computer instructions: The effects of screen pictographs and text format on task performance. Proceedings of Interface 89, 6, 133-138 (Human Factors Society).

    • 21.  Wogalter, M. S., Allison, S. T., & McKenna, N. A. (1989). The effects of cost and social influence on warning compliance. Human Factors, 31, 133-140.

    • 20.  Silver, N. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Broadening the range of signal words. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 33, 555-559.

    • 19.  Marwitz, D. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Training potential witnesses to produce higher quality face composites. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 33, 1324-1328.

    • 18.  Martin, E. G., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Risk perception and precautionary intent for common consumer products. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 33, 931-935.

    • 17.  Leonard, D. C., Ponsi, K. A., Silver, N. C., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Pest-control products: Reading warnings and purchasing intentions. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 33, 436-440.

    • 16.  Laughery, K. R., & Wogalter, M. S. (1989). Forensic applications of face research. In A. W. Young, & H. D. Ellis (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Face Processing (pp. 519-555). Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland).

  • 1988
    • 15.  Young, S. L., & Wogalter, M. S. (1988). Memory of instruction manual warnings: Effects of pictorial icons and conspicuous print. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 905-909.

    • 14.  Wogalter, M. S., McKenna, N. A., & Allison, S. T. (1988). Warning compliance: Behavioral effects of cost and consensus. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 901-904.

    • 13.  Marwitz, D. B., & Wogalter, M. S. (1988). Bias in photospreads of faces: A comparison of two lineup construction methods. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 541-543.

    • 12.  Martin, R. C., Wogalter, M. S., & Forlano, J. G. (1988). Reading comprehension performance in the presence of unattended speech and music. Journal of Memory and Language, 27, 382-398.

    • 11.  Laughery, K. R., Jensen, D. G., & Wogalter, M. S. (1988). Response bias with prototypic faces. In M. M. Gruneberg, R. Sykes, & P. Morris (Eds.), Practical Aspects of Memory: Current Research and Issues (pp. 157-162). Chichester: John C. Wiley.

  • 1987
    • 9. Wogalter, M. S., & Laughery, K. R. (1987). Face recognition: Effects of study to test maintenance and change of photographic mode and pose. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1, 241-253.

    • 8. Wogalter, M. S., Godfrey, S. S., Fontenelle, G. A., Desaulniers, D. R., Rothstein, P., & Laughery, K. R. (1987). Effectiveness of warnings. Human Factors, 29, 599-612.

    • 7. Wogalter, M. S., Desaulniers, D. R., & Brelsford, J. W., Jr. (1987). Consumer products: How are the hazards perceived? Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 31, 615-619.

    • 10.  Wogalter, M. S., & Marwitz, D. B. (1987). The effect of constructing multiple-choice distractor items around a single target alternative. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 31, 378-381.

  • 1986
    • 6. Wogalter, M. S., & Jensen, D. G. (1986). Most similar is different: Response bias in lineups. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 30, 725-728.

    • 5. Wogalter, M. S., Desaulniers, D. R., & Brelsford, J. W., Jr. (1986). Perceptions of consumer product hazards: Implications for the need to warn. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 30, 1197-1201.

    • 4. Laughery, K. R., Duval, G., & Wogalter, M. S. (1986). Dynamics of face recall. In H. D. Ellis, M. A. Jeeves, F. Newcombe, & A. W. Young (Eds.), Aspects of Face Processing (pp. 373-387). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.

  • 1985
    • 3. Wogalter, M. S., Fontenelle, G. A., & Laughery, K. R. (1985). Behavioral effectiveness of warnings. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 29, 679-683.

    • 2. Wogalter, M. S., Desaulniers, D. R., & Godfrey, S. S. (1985). Perceived effectiveness of environmental warnings.Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 29, 664-668.

  • 1984
    • 1. Wogalter, M. S. (1984). The detection and identification of pictorial changes between successive presentations. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 28, 388-392.
